Newsletter No.44

Newsletter No.44

Chairman’s Statement: I don’t think I need to remind you of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has affected our way of life, in a way that no one could have predicted. I don’t like to dwell on this, but instead to have more happier thoughts. As a member you will know...
Newsletter No.43

Newsletter No.43

Keep Calm and Keep Safe  Chairman’s Statement: It certainly is a different world just now. I read recently that this current situation is akin to the nations feelings during the World Wars. One good thing that has come out of all this, it has brought the nation...
Newsletter No.42

Newsletter No.42

1. Interested in Scottish Brewing, then what about Scottish Real Ale? If you are looking at the SBAA newsletter then the chances are you are interested in Scottish Breweries, but what about the products they produce, and in particular their real ales? You have...
Newsletter No.41

Newsletter No.41

1. Sir Geoff Palmer in Conversation at Stewart Brewing As part of the Midlothian Science Festival, Stewart Brewing held an event titled Sir Geoff Palmer OBE in Conversation.  Sir Geoff was joined by former student, Steve Stewart, co-founder of Stewart Brewing to...
Newsletter No.40

Newsletter No.40

Planned visit to Belhaven Brewery In our first newsletter of 2019 there was a short article that highlighted the fact that Belhaven Brewery is celebrating its 300th anniversary this year. It would be fitting for the SBAA to support Belhaven by arranging a visit to see...
Newsletter No.39

Newsletter No.39

The Tennent’s Story Experience Wednesday 5th June 11.30am   Meeting at the entrance to The Tennents Story at the Wellpark Brewery, Glasgow. Lunch at Drygate, 1:00pm. If you would like to attend, please contact John Martin – Thanks go...