Newsletter No.50

Newsletter No.50

1. Chairman’s Statement : A Happy New Year to one and all and I hope you had a good Christmas.The last two years have proved to be difficult, however we start 2022 with more optimism than last year at this time, mainly as a result of the COVID vaccine rollout.At the...
Newsletter No.49

Newsletter No.49

1. Chairman’s Statement: Welcome to the October 2021 Newsletter. The SBAA are very grateful to our members who have made a valuable contribution in providing information. Please keep this going. In the last Newsletter the SBAA passed on our congratulations to Sir...
Newsletter No. 48

Newsletter No. 48

1. Chairman’s Statement Let me start by congratulating Sir Geoff Palmer, who has been appointed the new Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University. For those who don’t know, Sir Geoff is not only a renowned scientist and a human rights activist, but was also responsible for...
Newsletter No. 47

Newsletter No. 47

1. Chairman’s Statement  Hope all is well with everyone during these troubled times. With the roll-out of the COVID vaccine, there is room for optimism, by looking forward to a brighter future later this year. This year marks an important landmark for anniversaries,...
Newsletter No.46

Newsletter No.46

1. Chairman’s Statement : I am sure everyone is pleased that 2020 is now behind us and we all look forward to 2021 with an air of optimism, so let me start by wishing you the very best. Although things look bleak at this moment, I believe this year can only get better...
Newsletter No.45

Newsletter No.45

1. Chairmans Statement Welcome to the October Newsletter and I hope you are all well. This year has proved to be difficult for us all, but lets hope, 2021 brings with it more of a normality or as near as possible to that. Although many of us have not been able to...