2018, Vol.18

a) Maclays of Alloa – A phoenix from the ashes – Duncan Kellock, former head brewer at Maclays, tells its story. b) The James Fleming Scrapbook – John Martin discovers a “little gem” in one of the SBA’s oldest items. c) The Tartan Club – George Douglas examines...

2017, Vol.17

a) The Calders of Alloa – Michael Clark reveals the background of one of the great brewing families of Alloa. b) “Raise Your Glass” reaches Alloa and Musselburgh – Allan P. Mclean reports on the progress of Brewing Heritage Scotland (SBAA). c) The Malt Duty Petition...

2016, Vol.16

a) A life with Tennent’s – Part 1. Ivor Reid, who has recently retired, recalls some memories of his career. b) The Scottish Brewing Archive and King Tut’s beer. John Martin discusses the unusual origins of a limited edition beer. c) Men of brewing in...

2015, Vol.15

a) The breweries of Craigmillar. Part 2. Bill Brown continues his history of the seven breweries of Craigmillar. b) Brewers in Tranent. Jim Lawrie describes the results of his research into the brewing history of the ancient town of Tranent. c) What’s in a name? John...

2014, Vol.14

a) The Scottish Brewing Archive – How it Began – Sir Geoff Palmer recalls the orgin of the archive in Edinburgh. b) The Legacy of the Great Pioneers of Edinburgh – John Martin discusses some of the key figures in the development of brewing. c) A (long) Day in the Life...

2013, Vol.13

a) The history of British lager – Ron Pattison discusses the growth of lager in Great Britain at Glasgow Beer Week. b) The life and times of a Wort Runner – James Rafferty explains what life was like as a Wort Runner at the Holyrood Brewery in Edinburgh. c) The wheels...