Newsletter No.51

Newsletter No.51

1. Chairman’s Statement: A warm welcome to the April Newsletter. When I sat down to write this, I was planning to say that I hoped all members were enjoying the warm weather, however lately it has turned very cold with snow and ice making a return, so back on with...
Newsletter No.50

Newsletter No.50

1. Chairman’s Statement : A Happy New Year to one and all and I hope you had a good Christmas.The last two years have proved to be difficult, however we start 2022 with more optimism than last year at this time, mainly as a result of the COVID vaccine rollout.At the...

2021, Vol.21

5) Last days of HolyroodA picture essay of Younger’s Holyrood Brewery shortly before closure, by its production manager Les Hutcheon 13) The McEwansEleanor Docherty looks into the family history of the McEwan dynasty 39) The temperance movementJohn Martin examines the...
Newsletter No.49

Newsletter No.49

1. Chairman’s Statement: Welcome to the October 2021 Newsletter. The SBAA are very grateful to our members who have made a valuable contribution in providing information. Please keep this going. In the last Newsletter the SBAA passed on our congratulations to Sir...

Historic Brewery Walk

September 2021 We were blessed with a warm evening for our first event since the Covid 19 crisis. Fifteen SBAA members took part in a historical brewery walk covering the ABBEYHILL area of Edinburgh. John Martin , our guide for the evening , came well prepared with a...