Newsletter No.55

Newsletter No.55

1. Chairman’s Statement In the last Newsletter we briefly mentioned the passing of Les Hutcheon. Les was not only a life member of the SBAA but also an enthusiastic committee member and provided great support to the Scottish Brewing Archive for over 20 years. Les was...
Newsletter No.54

Newsletter No.54

1. Chairman’s Statement A Guid New Year to all SBAA members and let us all look forward to the next 12 months and continue to build on the successes of last year. I would like to start by welcoming three new committee members, Mathew Gillies who takes over as our new...

2022, Vol.22

5) The first known description of brewing Scottish ale?John Reade unearths an early account 9) Memories of Heriot Brewery 1974-1992Graeme Fisher reminisces about Tennent Caledonian’s Edinburgh facility 29) Some Scottish brewing records, 1871-1903Edd Mather...
Newsletter No.53

Newsletter No.53

1. Chairman’s Statement : Happy Birthday on the 18th anniversary of Stewart Brewing. The SBAA wish to pass on our congratulations to one of our corporate members, Stewart Brewing who celebrate their 18 years anniversary. As a result they are launching their own...
Newsletter No.52

Newsletter No.52

1. Chairman’s Statement Hello again and welcome to the August Newsletter. In the last Newsletter I mentioned that snow and ice had made a return in April, this time however the weather has improved. So let’s hope for some more good beer drinking weather.The SBAA made...