2015, Vol.15

a) The breweries of Craigmillar. Part 2. Bill Brown continues his history of the seven breweries of Craigmillar.

b) Brewers in Tranent. Jim Lawrie describes the results of his research into the brewing history of the ancient town of Tranent.

c) What’s in a name? John Reade charts the development of brewing and beer styles.

d) How it all began for two fine beers. David McGowan sheds light on the origins of two memorable beers: Gillespie’s Malt Stout and McEwan’s Champion Ale.

e) Crossing brewtown from Holyrood to New Fountain. Richard Rees returns to a theme that enthralled readers of the 2014 Journal.

f) Collection of beer related poems. John Martin waxes lyrical on the subject of beer.

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2024, Volume 24

Contents 5) George Younger, exporters to the worldNick Drew examines what export labels can tell us 13) The story of beer boatsSea was an important route for beer exports, as John Martin discovers 17) Imperial Russian StoutJohn Martin looks at possible Scottish...

Newsletter No. 62

Newsletter No. 62

1. Chairman’s Statement: A Happy New Year to all SBAA members and hope we continue to have another successful year together in all our ventures. Lang may your lum reek. Thank you for your support and to those who attended the AGM in November which was successful...

Newsletter No. 61

Newsletter No. 61

1. Chairman’s Statement: Another bumper newsletter for you to enjoy with many varied articles and information. First of all, many congratulations to our corporate members who were successful at the recent Scottish Beer Awards, Belhaven Brewery and Tennent’s and in...